User Tools



E-Commerce Website (EWS)


Google Maps

  • Drag and drop on which side you want to place the Google Map button

  • It is used to point the direction of your store. It is recommended to include it in your contact page

  • Enter your store address and it will load on the map

  • Map zoom and height can be changed. You can customize it by clicking the Style and Advanced button

  • It also has an edit section where you can change the layout and style. And another option in the Advanced button to customize the Google map

  • Click “Preview Changes” if you want to see what you've made and when you're done with your changes, click the “Update” button

  • If you want to delete the structure/section you added, just click the section and the option to delete section will appear on top of the page


E-Commerce Website (EWS)


google_maps.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/24 06:39 by Cloudshop Admin

Page Tools