
Order Fulfillment System (OFS)


Delivery Performance

The Delivery Performance shows the details of your sales and how many transactions you have to deliver in the given time. Simply fill the filters with the information you need including the start and end date of the report, Promised time which is set in every transaction. Click the “Search” button to generate the report.

It includes the following details:

  1. Order Number indicated in the transaction
  2. Order Date when the transaction was made
  3. Net Total Sales or the revenue of a transaction
  4. Gross Total Sales that have not yet been deducted from the net sales, and
  5. Status whether it was delivered to the customer

Click “Export to CSV” if you want to have a copy of the report. CSV or comma-separated values are a text file that is compatible with your laptop or desktop.


Order Fulfillment System (OFS)
