
Order Fulfillment System (OFS)


Customer Receive Time

In the Customer Receive Time button you will see the number of your transaction per hour or day. Just enter in the filter information the start and end date of the desired report followed by the hour range from which you can select a specific time and the Promised time which is set in every transaction. Click the “Search” button to generate the report.

Now the detail of your selected day will appear which includes the following information:

  1. Hour
  2. Packaging
  3. Net or revenue
  4. Sales
  5. Average Check (computed as the total sales over number of closed transactions)
  6. All Average Time
  7. TC or Transaction Count
  8. Average less 90mins
  9. Less 90mins%
  10. 90-12 Transaction Count
  11. 90-120mins%

Click “Export to CSV” if you want to have a copy of the report. CSV or comma-separated values are a text file that is compatible with your laptop or desktop.


Order Fulfillment System (OFS)
