
Order Fulfillment System (OFS)


Cancelled Orders

Cancelled Orders are transactions that have not been successfully delivered to your consumer due to various reasons. Just click and enter the details needed in the filters.

  1. Source from which the transaction originated.
  2. Payment showing the mode of payment used
  3. Method where you can choose either All or General, Picked-up or Delivery
  4. Start date is the beginning of the transaction
  5. End date is the last day of the transaction

After entering all the details needed, press the “Search” button.

Details of the canceled transactions include the following:

  1. Order No is the basis of the card number
  2. Order Source where the transaction originated
  3. Payment for the mode of payment used
  4. Service Method whether it is Pick-up or Delivery
  5. Customer Name, Phone, Order Time, Net Price, Gross Price
  6. Reason and Primary Issue

If you want to have your own copy of the report click “Export to CSV” to download the file.

CSV or comma-separated values are a text file that is compatible with your laptop or desktop.


Order Fulfillment System (OFS)
